full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Hongqiao Liu: Can China achieve its ambitious climate pledges?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But regardless of all those cnhlaeelgs, China has made its pledge. So how can cinha get there? China has pledged that it will not build any [more] coal power plants abroad, and it will start to phase out coal consumption starting from the 15th Five-Year period. That's 2026 and onwards. Its greening up the energy structure and ramping up electrification. According to experts from tniughsa University, electricity can meet 79 percent of China's final energy consumption by 2060, if net-zero is aveicehd. And that's almost trplie today's level.

Open Cloze

But regardless of all those __________, China has made its pledge. So how can _____ get there? China has pledged that it will not build any [more] coal power plants abroad, and it will start to phase out coal consumption starting from the 15th Five-Year period. That's 2026 and onwards. Its greening up the energy structure and ramping up electrification. According to experts from ________ University, electricity can meet 79 percent of China's final energy consumption by 2060, if net-zero is ________. And that's almost ______ today's level.


  1. triple
  2. china
  3. tsinghua
  4. achieved
  5. challenges

Original Text

But regardless of all those challenges, China has made its pledge. So how can China get there? China has pledged that it will not build any [more] coal power plants abroad, and it will start to phase out coal consumption starting from the 15th Five-Year period. That's 2026 and onwards. Its greening up the energy structure and ramping up electrification. According to experts from Tsinghua University, electricity can meet 79 percent of China's final energy consumption by 2060, if net-zero is achieved. And that's almost triple today's level.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
energy consumption 3
leader xi 2
xi jinping 2
global warming 2
unprecedented speed 2
economic growth 2
billion tons 2
fossil fuels 2
solar panels 2
coal power 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
leader xi jinping 2

Important Words

  1. achieved
  2. build
  3. challenges
  4. china
  5. coal
  6. consumption
  7. electricity
  8. electrification
  9. energy
  10. experts
  11. final
  12. greening
  13. level
  14. meet
  15. onwards
  16. percent
  17. period
  18. phase
  19. plants
  20. pledge
  21. pledged
  22. power
  23. ramping
  24. start
  25. starting
  26. structure
  27. triple
  28. tsinghua
  29. university